Friday 24 February 2017


The term 'psychopath' is associated with those stereo typically 'bad'. Criminals. Lunatics. Mad men. It appears on the surface that psychopaths don't tend to have a significant impact on our lives because they're detached from our reality,outside of our society and communities. They're out there; In the big bad world. Hidden away in a news report or some online article your friend shared on Facebook. The definition of a psychopath even supports this stereo type. "A person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour". However, what makes up a psychopath is not black and white, it lays on a spectrum. They're not all bad and they're closer than you think.

Some of the most successful people in the work force such as surgeons, barristers and politicians will almost always possess a psychotic trait.  It is the way in which they harness their trait that allows them to be so successful. For example in business, the ability psychopaths have to turn down their empathy and block out other concerns make them the best operators in high pressure situations. It is common for psychopaths to go for these high status jobs because they enjoy power and the influence this means they have. I mean, if I was on trial, I'd want a psychopath to represent me too. I'd want someone who was able to rip people apart in the witness box and not think anything of it other than knowing that they're doing their job and they're doing it well. It is their fearlessness and ruthlessness which allows them to seize every opportunity without regret or fear of failure. Knowing how to use these characteristics to your advantage ensures academic success. Self confidence also pays contribution to a psychopath's success because their charisma and superficial charm is what makes manipulating the people around them a slice of cake.

Intelligence is key and knowing the rules of society is mandatory for survival. The thing with psychopaths is that they understand what you're thinking and the emotions you're feeling. They just don't feel it themselves and they simply don't care which gives them a great opportunity to use to their advantage. Chillingly, psychopaths are particularly adept at detecting vulnerability. They are impeccable at playing the game. Life is a game to these people and as far as they're concerned, they're winning. Being able to identify weakness whilst not possessing weakness is pretty astonishing. (I use the term weakness lightly)

Living with a psychopath for the past 6 years has allowed me to become familiar with some of the tactics, particularly manipulation through humiliation and intimidation. Tolerance is key when living with these types of people despite it being a definite inconvenience although, character building to say the least. A psychopathic parent has concerns about their child much like any other parent however this concern does not come from a place of love. They look at children as possessions like a car or flat screen TV.  Of course you look after and maintain your car and TV, it is within your interests to uphold maintenance of your possessions. For instance, a psychotic parent will feed and bathe their child, a starving and smelly child is bound to be quite irritable and not to mention bound to cause you issues with social services and the law. A psychopath is good at reasoning, probably more so than the rest of us. According to philosopher Immanuel Kant, emotions are irrational and only get in the way of us making correct decisions, so if psychopaths don't face the obstacle of emotion then due to Kant they possess better rationality. A psychotic parent will take care of their child out of duty, it is obviously irrational to starve and neglect a child, it would only cause a series of issues. Suppose a psychotic parent is quite an unpleasant thought but thus far there has been no unbearable abuse. Perhaps functioning psychopaths aren't all that dangerous, or perhaps they're the most dangerous kind.

A non functioning psychopath for instance is bound to make irrational choices, such as taking part in crime or acting violently and dangerously. These psychopaths are more likely to get caught which makes them less dangerous. Maybe? These are the psychopaths we read about and hear about in the news. Acting recklessly and therefore getting caught. Should we be more concerned about the ones we aren't hearing about? The one's who aren't getting caught.

Are psychopaths really winning? Is emotion weakness? Do they feel pleasure in the way we do or are they closer to high performing robots? Questions I am yet to find answers to.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Girls Girls Girls

Recently there was a photo going around Facebook which consisted of two girls wearing thongs stood side by side. The photo was shared by a girl I went to school with who clearly had some very enlightening things to say;
"Are these girls for fucking real?... Have a bit more respect for yourself please ffs. Things like this make me angry no wonder some boys think they can just use girls as a fuck seeing pictures like these all over the internet. One picture like this posted everywhere online makes all the rest of us girls look bad, stop embarressing yourselves."
She's got it all wrong, and I'm about to tell you why. Firstly, the reason some boys think "they can just use girls as a fuck" is nothing to do with what the girls wear and the images they upload, but everything to do with the boy and his disrespectful outlook on women. Second of all, why the fuck do you care what another girl is doing and how does it effect your life at all? A post like this in which girls are publicly slandered and shamed is disgusting and totally unnecessary. The most confusing and ironic part of this post was the clear dissatisfaction with the objectification of women. Emphasis on her concern that all women will now have a bad reputation and suffer sexual objectification."No wonder some boys think they can just use girls as a fuck". Supposedly against the inequality and sexual objectification of women yet claims that those who upload such images has no self respect. Since when did self respect mean keeping your skin covered up? Sounds like someone is a little insecure. Now get this, if her initial statement wasn't enough, she and her friends proceed to comment things such as:
"if i was a dude id wait for something with a nicer booty."
"They've got proper shit arses too"
"They don't even sit there, they just sagg !! Looking like extra long legs" 
"my nan probably has a better arse"
"If you're gonna do it, at least make sure you've got a good arse"
"They have shit asses"
"they either need to find pants that atleast try and make that shit look alright or they need to do squats."
I could go on, there are 96 comments in total. Look at the first comment I quoted,  "if i was a dude i'd wait for something with a nicer booty" So you moan about how men have these sexual standards then you as a woman, GO AND ENFORCE THESE STANDARDS YOURSELF, WHAT?! Oh my. How do you expect to be  treated with respect by men if you don't even treat other women respectfully? Telling these girls that they have "shit arses" and that they need to do squats to maintain a standard of acceptability. This idea that they can only upload such an image if they have an ideal figure is ludicrous. How dare someone feel comfortable and confident with their body. Why are girls so easily threatened by the body confidence of other girls? 

Who gives a fuck? If you want to show a lot of skin, cool, if you don't, that's cool too. Self respect isn't skin deep. Self respect is nothing to do with the way you dress.LOVE EACH OTHER GOD DAMN IT. 


Saturday 28 December 2013

Blaming Society

What is society? Society is a community of people, man kind, the general public. YOU are apart of society. It seems we've lost the actual meaning. Society is not something you can point your finger at and blame for the way you feel as if it's something you aren't apart of.

Society is not a separate thing or person giving out grief. It's as if people are imagining a person walking around with a massive flashing banner above their head labeled "SOCIETY" going from door to door calling people fat and unworthy.

I'm sure at some point you have called yourself ugly and I'm also sure at some point you have called someone else ugly. We're all guilty of this and it's a coincidence isn't it? YOU ARE SOCIETY. If people would stop treating the word society as if it were a third person and actually reflect on their own behaviour and change, then society would change too, because YOU ARE SOCIETY, I AM SOCIETY, WE ARE ALL SOCIETY.

Change starts with us. Perhaps we ought to start taking responsibility.

Thursday 19 December 2013


Have any of you ever seen Kanye Wests film?
"RUNAWAY"  toys around with so many different ideas and aspects of life that I don't think anyone apart from Kanye himself will ever truly understand what it means. Interpret it and tell me what you think , I love listening to peoples insight on this. Kanye introduces and discusses themes of media, racism and religion in just a straight up weird ass way.

It seems to me that through the phoenix/sun/bird/girl Kanye sees and understands that the world destroys freedom, expression and difference and in essence realises the world is a bad place.

"Did you notice she is a bird?" "No I never noticed that"
Talk about social commentary. Classic.
